5 Secrets skills of Millionaire

Chanchala Gorale
5 min readAug 14, 2020


If you ask me for the recipe to become a millionaire, I have the perfect recipe ready for you.

What do millionaires do?

A millionaire doesn’t work by themself, they hire people to do their work and they can become free to think and learn. This learning and thinking make them a millionaire.

If you want to become a millionaire, just follow and learn these 5 skills to learn how to think and learn more and see your career growth along with your bank account.

1. Emotional regulation

Everyone knows keeping your emotions under control is a good humanly thing to do, but how can you earn money by controlling your emotions?

Controlling your emotions can earn money in two ways either save existing money or create new/increase existing cash inflow.

For example
You are feeling angry, broken alone, stressed out, and just flowing in all of the incoming emotions, now what happens?

Remind yourself about the situation when you were in an emotionally uncontrolled zone. You might have been completely freaking out- out of anger or weak moment. Now you are just pitying yourself and thinking what can you do for yourself? In that emotional flow, you go buy yourself all unnecessary thing which you do not require and regret later, eat everything which will break your pattern of diet, not attending client meeting which goes to someone in the competition because you are not available, or even show your clients the worse emotional control of yours.

Now the above situation makes you do all things which you might never do when you are calm and thinking straight.

In your life making and maintaining money becomes easy when you manage your emotions, not your emotion mange you!!!

2. Leadership

If you are the person who thinks you can do everything alone and can become a millionaire- you are never been so wrong!!!

Even if you were a robot, you can’t.

When you work alone on everything you are combining all skills and learning a new thing, then invest your time in doing all the jobs. Now you are not able to do anything with the best potential because your attention is divided, your skills are just basic in everything.

The solution to this is to hire the best person to build your dream. But hiring alone won’t make you earn more. Now you need leadership skills to start managing your employees.

Leadership skills do not mean just showing off to keep track of everyone’s work but make them and their work feel valued, their problems are your problems, their growth is your growth, become honest and humble, give them flexibility. In return they will offer you their best version to your and work, they will honor you and offer you their honesty, they will see you as a benefactor, do whatever they can, or even more than that.

Most important, money flow grows as you start becoming a good leader and you don’t have to get tangled in doing everything by yourself.

A leader empowers the people and makes them follow their path of success and still channel all of that for business growth.

Becoming an empowering leader is the way to the top for you and the person following you.

3. Marketing & Sales

No matter how good you and your product, if you are not able to present it in the market- increase its demand- create value for your product- market and sell it, your product is of no worth.

Every successful person is great in marketing and sales themselves. That’s how they create the value of their face and their product.

To become greater at marketing and sales, you need to have below skills:

  • Ability to listen and understand what customer wants, and then offering your most similar quality product or turning your product to meet their qualities
  • Empathy is the best tool you have when you are selling something because you are now in emotional sync with your customer, you feel what they feel and what you offer becomes their first choice.
    Warning!!! Fake empathy will make you lose- genuine empathy earn you people and money.
  • Communication and people skills are must in any job you do, but as a marketer, you got to become the godfather of communication and people skills. These skills you are going to attract new customers and turn them into loyal customers.
  • Confident and honest is the tool to convert your customer into the loyal one’s because you are honest — the customer always prefers the honest before fake and self doubters.
  • Flexible to become adaptable to any environment and type of people and close the deal. This again depends on all of the skills mentioned above

4. Delaying Gratification

You want to make money- you got to stop falling for the temporary attractions and temptations right now.

The biggest enemy of being millionaire today is the unnecessary use of the technology which you actually can use for making money but you choose otherwise because you like to watch web series, movies, and scrolling through social media like a fool.

Listen, if you are not investing money that money and time is a big waste!!!

Stop purchasing things that are not counted as an investment and make an investment to learn new skills, start a new business, and make money it’s as simple as that.

Let’s calculate you buy a TV, Netflix/Amazon Prime or similar subscription, cloths-shoe-perfume-costly bike on loan to impress others, addicted to any stuff at all which cast you: Your Salary + create loan + create EMI + extra money from family.


You invest the same amount on learning courses some of the sites are even free, invest in physical fitness, and buying books to build a mindset: learning cost=movies subscription + new job with increased salary as skills are improved + setting up own business once get enough experience + Self-motivated because of books + built millionaire mindset with reading and learning + side hustle income

Learn more on money investment

5. Persuasion

People think persuasion skill is dark magic because you tend to make people do what you want them to do.

The bright side of this skill, it makes people like what they do, makes them see value in it- you don’t have to force them to do anything.

To pursue people for something, you need to be an expert in the subject, you need to know what other people expect, you must know how to offer value in you or your product- show what’s is in it for them- and finally use their feelings to make your job easy.



Chanchala Gorale
Chanchala Gorale

Written by Chanchala Gorale

Founder | Product Manager | Software Developer

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