Applying Lowercase Before and After Tokenization in NLP

Chanchala Gorale
2 min readJun 25, 2024


In Natural Language Processing (NLP), the decision to apply lowercase conversion before or after tokenization depends on the specific requirements and characteristics of the task at hand. Here are some considerations for both approaches:

Lowercasing Before Tokenization


  1. Consistency: Applying lowercase conversion before tokenization ensures that all tokens are in the same case, reducing the variability caused by case differences.
  2. Simplicity: It simplifies the tokenization process because the tokenizer doesn’t need to handle case sensitivity, making the tokens more uniform.
  3. Efficiency: Lowercasing the entire text at once can be more efficient than converting each token separately after tokenization.

Use Cases:

  • Text Classification: For tasks like sentiment analysis or topic classification where the specific case of letters is generally less important, lowercasing before tokenization is common.
  • Information Retrieval: When case insensitivity is desired in search queries, lowercasing helps match terms regardless of their original case.


text = "Natural Language Processing is FUN!"
lower_text = text.lower()
tokens = lower_text.split() # or use a more sophisticated tokenizer
# Output: ['natural', 'language', 'processing', 'is', 'fun!']

Lowercasing After Tokenization


  1. Case Preservation: In some applications, case information might be important (e.g., Named Entity Recognition, where “Apple” vs. “apple” could signify different entities).
  2. Selective Lowercasing: Allows for more nuanced processing, such as lowercasing only specific parts of the text or certain tokens while preserving others.
  3. Better Handling of Acronyms and Proper Nouns: You can selectively lowercase tokens based on context or additional rules.

Use Cases:

  • Named Entity Recognition (NER): Case sensitivity can be crucial for distinguishing between entities.
  • Machine Translation: Preserving case can be important for proper nouns and acronyms.
  • Language Models: For models that need to understand nuanced differences between cases, like differentiating “US” (United States) from “us” (pronoun).


text = "Natural Language Processing is FUN!"
tokens = text.split() # or use a more sophisticated tokenizer
lower_tokens = [token.lower() for token in tokens]
# Output: ['natural', 'language', 'processing', 'is', 'fun!']


  • Lowercase Before Tokenization: Use when you want to ensure uniformity and case insensitivity, which is typical in tasks like text classification and information retrieval.
  • Lowercase After Tokenization: Use when case information might be important or when you need more control over which tokens are lowercased, typical in tasks like NER or machine translation.

In practice, it often depends on the specifics of the data and the NLP task, so it’s essential to consider the impact of lowercasing on the results you aim to achieve.

Read more about impact of case sensitivity in NLP: Case Sensitivity in NLP

