Clustering in Machine Learning

Chanchala Gorale
5 min readJun 20, 2024


Clustering is a fundamental task in machine learning and data mining, where the objective is to group a set of objects in such a way that objects in the same group (or cluster) are more similar to each other than to those in other groups. This article provides a comprehensive guide to clustering, covering its types, algorithms, validation techniques, and practical applications.

What is Clustering?

Clustering is an unsupervised learning technique that involves partitioning a dataset into distinct groups, or clusters. Unlike supervised learning, clustering does not rely on predefined labels; instead, it identifies inherent structures within the data based on the similarities between data points.

Types of Clustering

  1. Partitioning Clustering: This method divides the dataset into a set number of clusters. The most common algorithm is K-means.
  2. Hierarchical Clustering: This approach builds a tree-like structure of clusters. It can be agglomerative (bottom-up) or divisive (top-down).
  3. Density-Based Clustering: This technique identifies clusters based on the density of data points in a region. DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise) is a well-known density-based algorithm.
  4. Distribution-Based Clustering: This method assumes that data is generated by a mixture of probability distributions. Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) are a popular example.
  5. Grid-Based Clustering: This method quantizes the data space into a finite number of cells that form a grid structure. STING (Statistical Information Grid) is an example.
  6. Fuzzy Clustering: Unlike traditional clustering, where each data point belongs to exactly one cluster, fuzzy clustering allows each data point to belong to multiple clusters with varying degrees of membership. Fuzzy C-Means is a common algorithm.

Clustering Algorithms

  1. K-Means Clustering

Description: K-means partitions the dataset into K clusters, where each data point belongs to the cluster with the nearest mean.


  1. Initialize K centroids randomly.
  2. Assign each data point to the nearest centroid.
  3. Recalculate the centroids as the mean of the assigned points.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until convergence.

2. Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering

Description: This algorithm starts with each data point as a separate cluster and iteratively merges the closest pairs of clusters.


  1. Compute the distance matrix.
  2. Merge the two closest clusters.
  3. Update the distance matrix.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until all points are in a single cluster.

3. DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise)

Description: DBSCAN identifies clusters based on the density of points. It can find arbitrarily shaped clusters and handle noise.


  1. For each point, find its ε-neighborhood.
  2. Identify core points (points with at least MinPts in their ε-neighborhood).
  3. Form clusters from core points and reachable points.
  4. Label points not reachable from any core point as noise.

4. Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM)

Description: GMM assumes that the data is generated from a mixture of several Gaussian distributions with unknown parameters.


  1. Initialize the parameters of the Gaussian distributions.
  2. Expectation step: Calculate the probability that each point belongs to each distribution.
  3. Maximization step: Update the parameters to maximize the likelihood of the observed data.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until convergence.

5. Fuzzy C-Means Clustering

Description: Fuzzy C-Means allows each point to belong to multiple clusters with varying degrees of membership.


  1. Initialize the membership matrix randomly.
  2. Calculate the cluster centers.
  3. Update the membership values.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until convergence.

Clustering Validation Techniques

  1. Internal Validation Metrics: These metrics assess the quality of the clustering based on the data itself.
  • Silhouette Score: Measures how similar a point is to its own cluster compared to other clusters.
  • Davies-Bouldin Index: Evaluates the average similarity ratio of each cluster with the cluster most similar to it.
  • Within-Cluster Sum of Squares (WCSS): Measures the compactness of the clusters.

2. External Validation Metrics: These metrics compare the clustering results to a ground truth or external criterion.

  • Adjusted Rand Index (ARI): Measures the similarity between the predicted clusters and the true labels, adjusted for chance.
  • Mutual Information (MI): Quantifies the amount of information obtained about one cluster from the other.
  • Fowlkes-Mallows Index: Evaluates the similarity between two clusterings by comparing the pairs of points that are clustered together.

3. Relative Validation: Compares the results of different clustering algorithms or different runs of the same algorithm.

  • Cross-Validation: Split the data into training and validation sets, then apply the clustering algorithm and evaluate the consistency of the results.

4. Visual Validation: Uses visualization techniques to assess the quality of clustering.

  • Scatter Plots: Visualize the clusters in two or three dimensions.
  • Dendrograms: Used in hierarchical clustering to show the arrangement of clusters.
  • t-SNE and UMAP: Techniques for visualizing high-dimensional data in lower dimensions.

Practical Applications of Clustering

  • Customer Segmentation: Grouping customers based on purchasing behavior, demographics, and preferences to target marketing efforts.
  • Anomaly Detection: Identifying unusual patterns or outliers in data, useful in fraud detection and network security.
  • Image Segmentation: Partitioning an image into meaningful regions for analysis and interpretation.
  • Document Clustering: Organizing a large collection of documents into categories based on content, useful in information retrieval and topic modeling.
  • Bioinformatics: Grouping genes or proteins with similar expression patterns to identify functional similarities.

Challenges and Considerations

  1. Choosing the Right Algorithm: Different algorithms are suited for different types of data and clustering objectives.
  2. Determining the Number of Clusters: Many algorithms require the number of clusters as an input, which is not always obvious. Techniques like the elbow method, silhouette analysis, and cross-validation can help.
  3. Handling High-Dimensional Data: High-dimensional data can lead to the curse of dimensionality, where distances become less meaningful. Dimensionality reduction techniques like PCA (Principal Component Analysis) can mitigate this issue.
  4. Scalability: Clustering large datasets can be computationally intensive. Algorithms like K-means and DBSCAN have variants that improve scalability.
  5. Interpretability: Making sense of the resulting clusters and ensuring they are meaningful in the context of the application.

Clustering is a powerful and versatile tool in machine learning, offering insights into the structure of data without requiring labeled examples. By understanding the various types of clustering algorithms, their validation techniques, and practical applications, one can effectively leverage clustering to uncover hidden patterns and make data-driven decisions. Whether for customer segmentation, anomaly detection, or bioinformatics, clustering remains a cornerstone of exploratory data analysis and machine learning.



Chanchala Gorale
Chanchala Gorale

Written by Chanchala Gorale

Founder | Product Manager | Software Developer

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