Networking with people who have these 10 habits
Today we talk about networking with people on social media, but how much it really helps?
If you are not able to learn or give your opinion in the network then having a network is of no use.
But you can activate your network so everyone in the connection can be benefited. Once you have started the trend of your network lets just make it a habit to get connected with different people hear their perspective and share yours with them as well.
1. Give without expectation
Giving someone they want where you are in no loss, still doesn't feel right because you are not getting something out of it.
But in reality, you are getting something which can be never be replaced with the materialistic things like:
- Giving something free lifts your soul
- Giving something makes you the source of positivity
- Giving something, if advice or teaching for free- you are not only teaching or advising them but you yourself are learning out of it. Whenever you repeat your word, you learn and create a pattern for yourself.
2. Choose to be kind
My past experience of networking was worse because there were clever connections who always wanted to get something out of nothing.
for example, they will tell me where to find the new learning material, which was only a link, but in return, they wanted to have INR 30,000.
Now, these were the clever connections because they were charging for the link which was not even theirs, for which they were already getting paid by the website owner, and the top money sliding under the table.
So, if you have not worked on it, don't charge for it and be with people who want to learn, give them a timeline to pay you, if they are good to enough-offer them partnership- because you alone can't do everything.
3. Do not connect as a hobby
People in the network when connect and ask you “What is your name?”, “What you like?”, and “Where you like to go?”, now is the time to cut these people off.
Since hobby-network will never be useful as they don't even know what career means for themselves. You will just end up answering some very stupid questions which are not even close to your career growth.
On the other hand, when your network is the profession and serious about their career, they know the value and they have experience both are a shining gem- this time, you don't ask them silly questions or they might leave your network.
4. Connect with like-minded
Many people want connection, a strong network- so they keep sending the request on the social platform to anyone. Connecting to any won't help it will just overload your network with the stuff you don't even like and eventually feel frustrated.
Connect with like-minded people, check out their profile before you send a connection. These are the network you want for yourself because not only you can learn by following them, but eventually, you can message them for specific advice as well, you can take their opinion in what you are doing and how to do it in the best way. These are the only network who can guide you well because they are already doing it, they know what are the challenges you can possibly face and how to solve them as well.
Don't send connection requests just because you liked their profile picture, their name, or they were recommended by the social platform.
5. Share accurate content
Just because other people are sharing so much wisdom in the network, don't pressurize yourself just because you need to show that you know it too.
Most people today just keep sharing the wrong content which can never help anyone but certainly can misguide everyone. Which they do because they have to show they know something.
But if you really must share content, do some research on the topic and let yourself read and learn, and then and only then you can step forward to share your learnings.
6. Promote other’s good work
People get jealous whenever some have done an appreciable job instead of congratulating them on their breakthrough.
It's a human behavior that needs a change, where you start feeling good for other people's success and tell the world about their success and journey to success.
This brings them the identification and to you as well.
7. Consistently contribute
With the word contribution itself, most people get chill because they know they have to give something, and they do not want to give but only receive.
Remember, you can not receive until and unless you start giving!!!
The Contribution doesn't mean you have to give away money, you can if you want but contribution means a lot more than that.
Contributing a knowledge you have learned or experience you had with something is the easiest way to contribute to the network.
If you have an inspiring though- post it, you might not know but some are in desperate need of that inspiration- so don't keep it to yourself- share!!!
8. Do not respond to negativity
People tend to follow negativity till the end just so they can prove their point. In this situation, all you need to do is stay calm.
Why? because it's not about you, it's all bout the difference in the perspective. If you want to respond to this kind of thread that means you want to step into the mud which will not make you dirty but your whole network.
Engaging in a meaningful conversation shows your talent and engaging in the baseless conversation shows your stupidity, so choose well!!!