Time Wasting & Investing
Today we are forgetting the difference between time wasting and investing and it true because there is a very blur line between time wasting and investing.
You often think, you are investing time but you are wasting it, and when you think you are wasting time you are actually investing it.
Most people come to me and suggest me not waste my time writing blogs, because since they don’t like reading — they think no one likes reading, and obviously they are wrong since you are reading this content. BRAVO!!!
Just like the above example, there are many things in life you will come across and you have to choose one from another. But how to decide if its a waste of time or investment?
Here are some things which will help you understand the difference between wasting and investing time in today’s tech-world.
Wasting time:
1. Watching Movies/Web-series
Watching movies/web-series doesn’t get you anywhere near success, but it certainly takes you away from achieving your daily goals which makes your future successful.
Nowadays, I see that watching famous movies/web-series is considered an achievement or you will be considered a disconnected person. But the end of the day it comes whether you are learning and growing out of your every move and not what a crowd thinks of you.
If you see successful people, everyone was considered a failure because they couldn’t fulfill the criteria of the crowd. Now they are successful because they took every move to grow and as always crowd started judging other people within their reach.
2. Video Games
Playing video games is fine when you want to get out of stress, play video games as if your life depends on it, is an addiction.
Before playing think back, how much beneficial is that going to be for you, are you going to earn something out of it?
If this is your profession, then it’s a different thing, but if not think why you should play games instead of achieving your real-life goals?
3. Social Media
Social media is a big hoop, but is that really use full? Many of you are spending time on social media just to scroll the page continuously.
You don’t go there to build your network, or brand yourself or your product but you just keep scrolling, which is the way someone else is making money out of it.
I hear many people say that social media is important and that’s why they are continuously on it. But in reality they are not even using it, it’s just their illusion that they are benefited out of it.
4. Comparing yourself
This habit is there is everyone, even in me. This makes you see good in others and bad in yourself, which tends to lower your confidence and eat you up from inside out. You start thinking why everyone is so lucky to have everything and I don’t possess anything, which is never the truth.
Reality is others are not luck, they build their luck from hard work they do, they practice their skills till they are consumed by it. That’s how they are lucky, now if you want to be lucky enough, start practicing the skills NOW!!!
Still if you are comparing yourself with others on skill which is not even nearby your interest, you are just trying to test fish by the ability to climb the tree.
So, think what you are before comparing yourself with someone, say you appreciate their skills. Maybe you would like to learn it for fun, but never take it seriously and ruin your original interest just to prove that you can do anything.
5. Complaining
Today people who are not successful, are having this bad habit in common “COMPLAINING”.
Why complaining is bad?
Complaining about something makes the solution for that problem go away and all remains are the problem. This is why, most people able to see the problem, able to complain about it, but when it comes to solving it — they become blind, even if someone is guiding them.
If you can improve your mindset of complaining, you can see the immediate results of seeing a solution, but again you must be willing to take it. Many people get used to the habit of complaining that they think it’s easy to live in that zone instead of solving the problem.
Investing time:
1. Networking
Networking is easy today because we have social media. Through networking, you don’t just text people, but connect with them to learn from them, share your experience and advice, stay up to date on the current feeds, and share each other’s work to improve it further.
When you meet like-minded people you get the whole lot chance of growing further, as it happened with me.
2. Improve/Learn Skills
Without continues improvement, you are dead in this world, why? Because each day there is something new getting invented and demand for new things is high, which if you learn then only you can become irreplaceable or person with new skills can easily replace.
No matter how good a person you are, without your skills, you are not an asset to the world.
So learning and growing is the only way to the top.
3. Reading books
Many people read books just to show how great they are, but never learn at least one thing from it.
Read books to learn on current things, to solve a problem you are going through, to learn new skills.
I usually take up the book and never read it page to page, I read what it useful for me right now, and start working on it.
Think what is the benefit of reading a book page to page when you are not really
it in real life.
Note: if you prefer the videos instead of books, it’s fine, but remember the book’s visual-your imagination can create more than the video shows you.
4. Building side-hustle
Everyone thinks they have the greatest idea, and only if they act they can create wonders but the reality is they never act on it.
You can never know what you have until you do and try it. You are stuck in your job security, I am too, that why I work on my side hustle after the working hours instead of showing my friends that I know about the web-series they were talking about.
I know it seems hard but trust me, I feel more energized and refreshed when I start working on my side hustle, nowadays I just wait to finish my working hours to get started on a side hustle.
My side hustle doesn’t just give me extra money but the satisfaction of living my life.
5. Video courses
If you are the person who can’t stay away from your phone and addicted to it, you might as well use this for your advantage.
Download learning apps or use the online free courses to learn daily. At least 20 minutes daily, that’s all!!!
You can start by 5 minutes and increase the time going forward. Here you learn not to only earn more but to improve your inner self- your personality, which not only now but serve you for your lifetime.
So start learning NOW!!!